2018 East Central NA Regional Contest
Name | Team Members | Competing at site | ||
Cedarville Gold | Cedarville Gold | Cincinnati Site |
Xavier - A | Xavier - A | Cincinnati Site |
Xavier - B | Xavier - B | Cincinnati Site |
U of T Blue | U of T Blue | Windsor Site |
Cedarville Blue | Cedarville Blue | Cincinnati Site |
Penn State #0000 | Penn State #0000 | Youngstown Site |
Purple | Purple | Youngstown Site |
winners=true; | winners=true; | Grand Valley Site |
Maize & Blue | Maize & Blue | Grand Valley Site |
Life of Brian | Life of Brian | Cincinnati Site |
'\0' | '\0' | Grand Valley Site |
qUArk | qUArk | Youngstown Site |
DU While | DU While | Youngstown Site |
Portal 3 | Portal 3 | Youngstown Site |
White | White | Youngstown Site |
IU-1 | IU-1 | Cincinnati Site |
Boilers 2 | Boilers 2 | Cincinnati Site |
IU-3 | IU-3 | Cincinnati Site |
IU-2 | IU-2 | Cincinnati Site |
Dayton Digits | Dayton Digits | Cincinnati Site |
Boilers 4 | Boilers 4 | Cincinnati Site |
Waterloo Gold | Waterloo Gold | Windsor Site |
McMaster Rose | McMaster Rose | Windsor Site |
Snack Overflow | Snack Overflow | Youngstown Site |
Penn State We | Penn State We | Youngstown Site |
Penn State Are | Penn State Are | Youngstown Site |
CMU4 | CMU4 | Youngstown Site |
Zygohistomorphic Prepromorphisms | Zygohistomorphic Prepromorphisms | Youngstown Site |
CMU2 | CMU2 | Youngstown Site |
CMU1 | CMU1 | Youngstown Site |
C-- | C-- | Youngstown Site |
SVSU double down; | SVSU double down; | Grand Valley Site |
Indiana State | Indiana State | Cincinnati Site |
Penn State #FFC0CB | Penn State #FFC0CB | Youngstown Site |
win ? happy : sad; | win ? happy : sad; | Grand Valley Site |
NKU Black and Gold | NKU Black and Gold | Cincinnati Site |
LateArrivals | LateArrivals | Grand Valley Site |
Coconut Laden Sparrows | Coconut Laden Sparrows | Cincinnati Site |
Fanshawe Red | Fanshawe Red | Windsor Site |
47 72 61 6e 64 20 56 61 6c 6c 65 79 20 31 | 47 72 61 6e 64 20 56 61 6c 6c 65 79 20 31 | Grand Valley Site |
The Ducks | The Ducks | Youngstown Site |
results[ "first" ] = us ; | results[ "first" ] = us ; | Grand Valley Site |
Multiplier Circuits | Multiplier Circuits | Youngstown Site |
Stone Throw | Stone Throw | Youngstown Site |
# TODO: Team Name | # TODO: Team Name | Cincinnati Site |
UTSC1 | UTSC1 | Windsor Site |
UTSC2 | UTSC2 | Windsor Site |
Valiant | Valiant | Grand Valley Site |
Bishops B | Bishops B | Youngstown Site |
Ohio Chads | Ohio Chads | Cincinnati Site |
CWRU Grey | CWRU Grey | Youngstown Site |
The Bug Slayers | The Bug Slayers | Youngstown Site |
SVSU int ense; | SVSU int ense; | Grand Valley Site |
Landing Into Boxes | Landing Into Boxes | Grand Valley Site |
Ryerson Blue | Ryerson Blue | Windsor Site |
U of T White | U of T White | Windsor Site |
YCoders | YCoders | Youngstown Site |
AU Eagles | AU Eagles | Youngstown Site |
Miami White | Miami White | Cincinnati Site |
Waterloo White | Waterloo White | Windsor Site |
UWindsor - Obsolete Garbage Collectors | UWindsor - Obsolete Garbage Collectors | Windsor Site |
Boilers 3 | Boilers 3 | Cincinnati Site |
Runtime the Jewels | Runtime the Jewels | Youngstown Site |
1010101 | 1010101 | Grand Valley Site |
Ohio White | Ohio White | Cincinnati Site |
Beafy Goon Squad | Beafy Goon Squad | Youngstown Site |
Pitt Gold | Pitt Gold | Youngstown Site |
Boilers 1 | Boilers 1 | Cincinnati Site |
NKU Norse | NKU Norse | Cincinnati Site |
AnotherCommonMoniker | AnotherCommonMoniker | Grand Valley Site |
Green | Green | Grand Valley Site |
The Little Princes | The Little Princes | Grand Valley Site |
DevJackets | DevJackets | Youngstown Site |
Swim Hornets | Swim Hornets | Grand Valley Site |
Orange Hornets | Orange Hornets | Grand Valley Site |
York Gold | York Gold | Windsor Site |
Caber Toss | Caber Toss | Youngstown Site |
Waterloo Red | Waterloo Red | Windsor Site |
Miami Red | Miami Red | Cincinnati Site |
OSU_1 | OSU_1 | Cincinnati Site |
Fowler's Fans | Fowler's Fans | Cincinnati Site |
Ryerson Gold | Ryerson Gold | Windsor Site |
Pitt Blue | Pitt Blue | Youngstown Site |
Champions of the West | Champions of the West | Grand Valley Site |
Fanshawe Black | Fanshawe Black | Windsor Site |
Seggy Fault and the Core Dumpers | Seggy Fault and the Core Dumpers | Youngstown Site |
U of T Green | U of T Green | Windsor Site |
gameisez | gameisez | Cincinnati Site |
Drop All Tables | Drop All Tables | Cincinnati Site |
ND1 | ND1 | Grand Valley Site |
CMICH GOLD | CMICH GOLD | Grand Valley Site |
JavaTheHut | JavaTheHut | Cincinnati Site |
Irregular Expressions | Irregular Expressions | Cincinnati Site |
3idiots | 3idiots | Cincinnati Site |
CMU5 | CMU5 | Youngstown Site |
Victors | Victors | Grand Valley Site |
Conquering Heroes | Conquering Heroes | Grand Valley Site |
UWindsor Green | UWindsor Green | Windsor Site |
CMU3 | CMU3 | Youngstown Site |
Westminster 2 | Westminster 2 | Youngstown Site |
Westminster 3 | Westminster 3 | Youngstown Site |
Westminster 1 | Westminster 1 | Youngstown Site |
euclidean | euclidean | Youngstown Site |
Black and Gold | Black and Gold | Youngstown Site |
McMaster Lotus | McMaster Lotus | Windsor Site |
TLEM | TLEM | Cincinnati Site |
Gumshoe Coalition | Gumshoe Coalition | Grand Valley Site |
Half-Life 3 | Half-Life 3 | Youngstown Site |
Penn State #FFFF | Penn State #FFFF | Youngstown Site |
Penn State #000080 | Penn State #000080 | Youngstown Site |
MSU 1 | MSU 1 | Grand Valley Site |
CWRU Blue | CWRU Blue | Youngstown Site |
UWindsor Gooses | UWindsor Gooses | Windsor Site |
R3JhbmQgVmFsbGV5IDI= | R3JhbmQgVmFsbGV5IDI= | Grand Valley Site |
Typekast | Typekast | Youngstown Site |
MSM | MSM | Cincinnati Site |
Wonder Women | Wonder Women | Grand Valley Site |
AU Purple | AU Purple | Youngstown Site |
UWindsor Black | UWindsor Black | Windsor Site |
York Red | York Red | Windsor Site |
Waterloo Black | Waterloo Black | Windsor Site |
Ohio Green | Ohio Green | Cincinnati Site |
Brock Badgers | Brock Badgers | Windsor Site |
Leaders and Best | Leaders and Best | Grand Valley Site |
Brock Hounds | Brock Hounds | Windsor Site |
McMaster Tulip | McMaster Tulip | Windsor Site |
Steamed DRAM | Steamed DRAM | Youngstown Site |
Dayton Flyers | Dayton Flyers | Cincinnati Site |
BitsDontByte | BitsDontByte | Grand Valley Site |
Black IDE Peas | Black IDE Peas | Youngstown Site |
OWU Bishops | OWU Bishops | Youngstown Site |
CWRU White | CWRU White | Youngstown Site |
AU Gold | AU Gold | Youngstown Site |
SVSU bool in; | SVSU bool in; | Grand Valley Site |